As the only accredited credentialing program for perioperative registered nurses, CCI's credentials are the gold standard. Earning a certification is a mark of distinction and a highly sought-after personal and professional accomplishment. Certified nurses are committed to providing the highest quality of care to their surgical patients.
In 2013, CCI developed the TrueNorth Award to recognize organizations that use certification as a "true north" to guide their perioperative nursing staff to be lifelong learners, models of competent practice, and advocates for patient safety excellence. This award is among the highest honors bestowed upon a perioperative department. The TrueNorth Award includes five certification application fee vouchers, funds for a celebratory reception, a commemorative recognition plaque, and more.
Are you interested in applying but not sure where to begin? To assist applicants, CCI has broken the process down into five simple steps.
Step 1 - Familiarize yourself with the eligibility requirements and application categories
All health care organizations that employ certified nurses or have certified nurses as members and/or representatives are eligible to apply for this award. The only ineligible organizations are those who employ members of the CCI Board of Directors or staff.
The TrueNorth application includes four categories: workforce statistics (10 points), letters of endorsement (10 points), rewards and recognition (30 points), and impact of certification (50 points). Letters from the organization's Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) and Director of Surgical Services should be attached to your application. All other information will need to be included in the body of the application itself.
Step 2 - Begin gathering resources and organizing thoughts in a Word document
Since the TrueNorth application is thorough and may require some time to gather resources and information, we suggest you begin the application in a Word document. This will allow you to easily organize, edit, and review the information you would like to include in your submitted application without risking an improper or incomplete submission.
Step 3 - Methodically move through the categories
Take into consideration each category's weight, the specific strengths represented by your facility, and which categories require the most work, such as gathering workforce statistics. Ensure you have enough time to submit a complete and in-depth application by creating personal deadlines for each item included in the application.
Step 4 - Be transparent and concise in responses
Each section on the application has a specific limit to the number of characters you may include in your response, so word count is key. It is very important to remember the only information you will be evaluated on must be contained within the application and supporting documents. The review board will not know about the programs and practices in place within your facility if you do not speak to them.
Step 5 - Connect the dots
Now that you have gathered the required information, and organized your thoughts, take one final review to connect the dots. Considering the goals of projects and procedures in place, demonstrate results by collecting data and calculating statistics to show the impact of your facility's efforts.
Once you have completed these five steps, review and proof your complete application. You are scored for spelling and grammar, and you want to ensure your application is truthful, accurate, and clear to understand - maximizing your chances for success.
For more information about the TrueNorth Award, as well as a list of past winners, please visit our website. For additional questions, please contact Lisa Rosenfield at Best of luck with your application!