CCI Blog


Posted by Lindsey McNorton on Apr 24, 2023 1:16:06 PM

Understanding the Differences Between Two Specialty Nursing Certifications.



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Certification validates a nurse’s knowledge, skills, and abilities in a defined role. The Certified Operating Room Nurse (CNOR) and the Certified Ambulatory Surgery Nurse (CNAMB) are two certifications that demonstrate commitment to exceptional patient safety. While both certifications validate professional competencies, they differ in eligibility standards, are applicable in different surgical settings, and have a different scope of practice. Discover what credential is best suited for your area of practice.

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Topics: Insider, CNOR, CNAMB

Get To Know CNAMB

Posted by Taylor Niss on Aug 12, 2021 5:27:33 PM


The Certified Ambulatory Surgery Nurse (CNAMB) certification was developed for perioperative nurses working in the ambulatory surgery setting seeking to improve and validate their professional competencies. CNAMB certification assesses the knowledge and skills of a perioperative nurse with a minimum of two years of clinical practice in the ambulatory surgery setting and confirms a certificant has met established eligibility standards of competence.

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Topics: Insider, CNAMB