CCI Blog

Recert 101: How to Stay on Top of Your Recertification Process

Posted by Hana Sigman on Jun 19, 2024 7:00:00 AM


The rapid rate of change in the modern perioperative setting requires a conscious effort to maintain competency. When you recertify your CCI credential, you demonstrate a continued dedication to perioperative excellence, an ongoing commitment to specialized knowledge, and a personal commitment to patient safety. At first glance, recertifying your credential can seem like a daunting task. However, understanding how to best utilize our various resources and complete your recertification activities will simplify the process tremendously.

Start the Recertification Process Early

Remember, recertifying your credential is a marathon, not a sprint! To maximize the time during your recertification cycle and minimize stress, CCI highly recommends starting early. Utilizing your time wisely will help you in the long run, so that when your accrual period is coming to a close, you are all set to submit your recertification application with ease. 

Are you unsure when your recertification year is? Our credential verification tool can help you confirm! Additionally, our accrual calculator is a wonderful resource that breaks down your timeline for earning and uploading points and submitting your recertification application.

If this is your recertification year, don’t forget to take advantage of our Early-Bird Discount and save $40 off your recertification fee! This discount is redeemable through your CCI account and is automatically applied at checkout. Start your recertification application soon to save—our offer ends June 30th!


Review Your Recertification Requirements

Reviewing both your eligibility and the specific requirements you need to meet for successful recertification is crucial and helps prevent against any roadblocks you may face. This initial step will ensure you have a clear understanding of the process and what is expected so you can proceed efficiently. 

The master key for all information is your certification handbook, with the recertification details you need provided. And don't forget about our handy recertification checklists! They break down the entire process into a clear, visual list with checkboxes for each task. CNOR-certified nurses, we have a recertification guide for you to reference as well. 

These resources are here to help you stay organized and on track to completing your recertification requirements. Access your credential’s handbook and/or checklist by visiting our CCI Document Hub!

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Be Strategic About How You Earn Your Professional Activity Points

Professional Points Store Icon - 2024 - 2 (1)As of recently, CCI has moved solely to a points system, where nurses complete a set number of points to maintain their credentials. While this may seem like an intimidating process, it is arguably more convenient. In theory, you can complete the entirety of your points via our Free Professional Points Activities in our store. Additionally, many of our activities are already a part of your day-to-day as a perioperative nurse! 

We recommend that you explore our various recertification activity categories and the total points you can earn from each category to develop a formula for your recertification process. Overall, creating a strategy for how you will recertify, paired with aligning your activities with your professional efforts, will establish a recertification process that is not only easier but also more fulfilling.

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Keep an Eye Out for Our Announcements

CCI shares recertification updates early and often with nurses through email notifications, webinars, social media posts, and other updates located on our News page. Make sure to stay in the loop with all of our alerts to ensure you are not missing anything when your time to recertify comes around.

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You've Got This! 

Recertifying your credential doesn’t have to be a complicated or confusing process. With CCI’s various resources, you can clearly see what components are necessary to recertify and how to complete all of your requirements.

If you are unsure about whether you will be able to recertify in time or you don’t feel recertification is the optimal route for you, please review our alternatives to recertification.

As always CCI is here to assist you! If you have any questions regarding recertifying your credential, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.😄

Start Your Recertification Journey Today!