CCI Blog

CNOR® & CRNFA Dual Certification Changes: Accreditation Needs & Impact

Posted by Lindsey McNorton on Nov 8, 2023 7:00:00 AM


In the world of healthcare, certifications play a crucial role in ensuring that professionals possess the knowledge and skills required to provide safe and effective patient care. Both the Certified Perioperative Nurse (CNOR®), administered through Competency & Credentialing Institute, and the Certified Registered Nurse First Assistant (CRNFA), administered through the National Assistant at Surgery Certification (NASC), are highly respected in the perioperative field and, in years past, have been attainable through dual recertification. However, after considering the importance of accreditation to both organizations, changes have been made to the recertification process for holders of both credentials.

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Topics: CNOR, Recertification

3 Ways to Accurately Dress Like a Perioperative Nurse for Halloween

Posted by Hana Sigman on Oct 31, 2023 8:00:00 AM


As it’s the spookiest time of year, you, and those you know, might be looking for some costume ideas. There are countless options to choose from! Although nurses are a popular Halloween costume choice, the costumes often don’t accurately depict the profession. Moreover, there’s a lack of costume representation in the perioperative nursing field. But do not fear! We’re here to provide tips to share with friends and family to ensure their perioperative nursing costumes are spot on! 

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Digital Badges

Posted by Lindsey McNorton on Sep 18, 2023 1:14:19 PM




As the world quickly evolves, traditional certificates are no longer the only way to showcase expertise and credibility within your profession. Technological advancements have created innovative ways to demonstrate one’s achievements through digital credentials, also known as digital badges. Digital badges provide a way to recognize learning achievements, contributing to a more comprehensive and dynamic representation of an individual's skills and expertise. The combination of visual elements and metadata ensures the badge can be easily understood, verified, and shared. In this blog, we will discuss the components that make up a digital badge, how to obtain one, and ways to display a badge.

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Topics: Insider

Recertification Alternatives

Posted by Lindsey McNorton on Jul 31, 2023 3:35:09 PM




As a certified perioperative nurse, maintaining your certification is essential to demonstrating your commitment to excellence in your profession. However, life’s unpredictable nature may sometimes hinder your ability to fulfill the recertification requirements within the designated time frame. In such circumstances, it’s helpful to be aware of alternative pathways that allow you to preserve your hard-earned credentials. Discover alternative recertification opportunities best fit your professional journey.

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Topics: Insider

2023 TrueNorth Winner: Inova Heart & Vascular Institute Cardiovascular OR

Posted by Lindsey McNorton on Jun 23, 2023 9:09:15 AM

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In many ways, certification acts as a compass directing a nurse’s clinical practice toward nationally accepted standards. Nurses who attain certification, and the facilities that support them, demonstrate a commitment to improving patient outcomes and mastering the knowledge it takes to do so.

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Topics: TrueNorth

5 Reasons Why Facilities Should Hire Certified Perioperative Nurses

Posted by Lindsey McNorton on May 19, 2023 11:23:08 AM

You want better patient outcomes. So do we.


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Topics: Insider


Posted by Lindsey McNorton on Apr 24, 2023 1:16:06 PM

Understanding the Differences Between Two Specialty Nursing Certifications.



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Certification validates a nurse’s knowledge, skills, and abilities in a defined role. The Certified Operating Room Nurse (CNOR) and the Certified Ambulatory Surgery Nurse (CNAMB) are two certifications that demonstrate commitment to exceptional patient safety. While both certifications validate professional competencies, they differ in eligibility standards, are applicable in different surgical settings, and have a different scope of practice. Discover what credential is best suited for your area of practice.

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Topics: Insider, CNOR, CNAMB

Introducing Our New CEO: A Message of Excitement and Innovation

Posted by Lindsey McNorton on Mar 20, 2023 12:37:07 PM

Dear members of the CCI community,

We are thrilled to announce that the Competency & Credentialing Institute has a new CEO. We are excited to welcome Melissa Nosik, Ph.D., BCBA-D, ICE-CCP, SHRM-SCP, to our organization, and we look forward to the positive changes and innovations she will bring to CCI.

Melissa has been previously working as Deputy Chief Executive Officer for the Behavior Analyst Certification Board and has more than nine years of experience related to handling the operations and growth of specialized certification organizations. She has a deep understanding of the importance of competency-based education and its vital role in credentialing, and we are confident that she is the right person to lead CCI into the future.


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CEO of CCI Retires

Posted by Lindsey McNorton on Jan 30, 2023 12:32:41 PM

After six years, James X. Stobinski, Ph.D., RN, CNOR, CNAMB, CSSM(E), CEO of the Competency and Credentialing Institute, announced his retirement, anticipated on February 23, 2023. Stobinski started with CCI in September 2011. Under his leadership, CCI added three credentials, seven microcredentials, and two Certificate of Mastery programs, and received accreditation for four of the six CCI credentials, all with the primary goal of ensuring competency in the perioperative nursing community.

We had the opportunity to sit down and interview Jim to reflect on his time spent with CCI. He provided insight on what he will miss most about employment and how he plans to spend his retirement. 


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Topics: CSSM, CFPN

8 Tips for Preparing for Your Remote Exam

Posted by Lindsey McNorton on Jan 18, 2023 12:57:54 PM



Remote Secure Proctored Examinations are new to the realm of test taking. This method of test delivery allows you to take your exam in the comfort of your own home. Enjoy the flexibility and schedule your next exam remotely. 

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Topics: Insider